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ASA 106 - ACC 5-day ocean trip

Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 - 9:00 am through Sunday, Apr 20, 2025 - 5:00 pm

Open for sign up
Payment Options:
ASA 106 Member
ASA 106 Off Shore

Event Information


ASA 106 includes passage planning, vessel inventory and loading, provision planning and loading, close quarters boat handling, sail inventory, running rigging inspect and learn to use all of it. Go thorugh the storm sail set up, drouge deployment for the boat used. During the trip will do both day and night offshore crew overboard return and recovery. Work on skippering techniques for all weather conditions, navigation underway in all conditions -including in restricted visibility, watch rotation planning and doing, pilotage and knowledge of the Inshore and offshore International Collision Regulations.

Included with ASA 106 is the option to attend 2 of the 8 day companion ASA 106 boat prep series. ASA 106 in it's standard form is a 5-day ocean adventure course sailing along the beautiful California Coast.  Includes at least one overnight sail, minimum of 18hr sailing straight through the night to daybreak and maybe more. Most trips are from SF to points south. Stops can include Half Moon Bay, Ano Nuevo, Santa Cruz and Monterey. How far we get, depends on the well-being of the students. Recommend taking a 'Sea Leg' day or two to get used to the motion of the ocean sailing to reduce the chance of sea sickness. Aslo recommend our Heavy Weather Strategies weekend to be able to deploy the best method to fit the boat and conditions if things get too intense. If weather mandates, can be broken into 2x 3-day weekends not going farther than 35 mi from the Golden Gate.

Students should expect to get together on-line or/and in person the week prior. There is a lot included in the sail planning. Destinations will vary by time of year. When there is more wind, can reach 120 M south to Monterey. In less windy months, may only go half way there. The cost of fuel used is paid by participants in the course. Start with a full tank. Must return with same.

Provisioning is done in a similar fashion to ASA 104. Each participant selects meals /times and suggests the menu item they would like to prepare -being concious of food allergy or restrictions others on the trip might have to deal with. Once accord is achieved for the menu, since all are in the galley at some pointin this adventure, the person preparing each meal purchases the provisions to cook with. This has proved the best way to spread the meal expense.  There is a final provision check before loading up, in case staples or needed items are missed. Have to prepare the food to be loaded as provisions. Boats do not have large refrigeration. Dry Ice might be used. Hammocks, low lockers next to the hull. Uppers that keep things dry... load the provisions.

This stretch of unforgiving California coast is a great aid to learning with an experienced teacher. Learn how to avoid the many possibly costly mistakes plus experience a multitude of conditions. Will gain the valuable knowledge and confidence in how to handle the many issues of self-reliance. Great class to take before venturing out on your own boat. This course can save you serious money plus make your future ocean adventures much more fun for you and those who sail with you when you cast off the dock lines.

Sea life along the CA coast that may be seen is amazing. Check the wild life reports SF to Monterey to see what to watch and watchout for on the trip. Have seen many whales, a few orcas, lots of different kinds of dolphins. Most love music with dolphin or whale song in it. Bring some - we have a speaker to turn the boat into a hydro-phone. Once saw a thrasher shark, just cruising along the surface, but he was shy. Jellies - can be lots of jellies. We bring vinegar and gloves just in case Jellies pet the sea anchor lines. Lots of seals, sea lions and occasionally an elephant seal. We wave at Molas and they wave back. Many sea creatures to marvel at but very tough to take pictures of.

Bring a current fishing license if you want to learn to hand line or can bring an ocean pole. Fishing = fresh food. Check in with the fishing boats SF to Monterey to see what is biting and what are they biting? Do you know how to make sushi? Love this part.

Over all - these trips are Amazing.

For more information either go to our website or view on ASA: